Puerto Rico Coconut Tree

Puerto Rico Coconut Tree
Aaah...A GREAT tree to relax under!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

In Honor of our 3 Month Anniversary -- A DVD GIVEAWAY!!

Shrek 2!  A DVD including Bonus Features such as technical goofs, over 20 games and activities including Save Fiona! and  Find Puss In Boots and Sing-a-longs! 

Our GIVEAWAY is in honor of our blog making it to 3 months (almost 4).  All you have to do is follow our blog (become a member), OR mention both our blog and facebook pages to your friends (let us know where, please). YEP, it's that easy!!

Our household apparently liked Shrek 2 so much, that two of us bought the DVD (sigh).  But no worries, one of you will get to reap the reward!

As a preview, here are some quotes from the movie to tickle your funnybone:

  • "Living the vida loca" by Mongo
  •  "Pray for Mercy...from Puss...in Boots!" by Puss In Boots
  • "You got a PUPPY?  All I got in my room was SHAMPOO!" by Donkey
  • "Remember, Happiness is just a tear drop away" by Fairy Godmother

So, remember, become a member of our blog, mention us to your friends, and let us know where you posted it (facebook, twitter, etc.).  For your ease, our blog link is:  http://thetalesof2latinas.blogspot.com/ and our facebook page link is:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Tales-of-Two-Latinas/192462680791851

GOOD LUCK, BUENA SUERTE to all our followers :)

Thank you, Gracias for being loyal Members!

PrincesaGrace y Jennyboo

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hope it was a Happy and Safe 4th of July for all! Espero que se divertieron en el dia de Independencia, el 4 de Julio!!

Absecon, NJ
PrincesaGrace had a ball along with family and friends!  We decided to stay over from Sunday night to Tuesday morning in Absecon, NJ.  We would have stayed longer, but Paulie had to get back to work that afternoon at 3 pm.  Phooey on the workplace, HA, HA!  :-D

Aquarium in Atlantic City, NJ

We rode into Absecon and stayed at the Comfort Inn North, (nice place, definitely a "recommend")!  That evening we just hung out in our room and watched T.V. but in the a.m. we were up and at 'em.  Off we went towards Atlantic City (just a few minutes away).  We went to the Aquarium, ate at a Restaurant named, "Scales" by the Aquarium, the Crabcake Sandwich and Sea Salt fries were to die for, went to the Boardwalk, tried the Casino at the Trump Taj Majal (we couldn't play, booooo, Scotty (my daughter's boyfriend) was 21 in just a few days but not soon enough), then we did the shopping thing, the sitting at the beach, and finally the moment I had been waiting for...the evening with all the lights and the awesome Rides, following the Fireworks! yay! 

Menu from Scales by the Aquarium
The funniest moment of the day, getting escorted out of the Casino, after they checked Scotty's I.D.  :)  We had seen the entire Casino by then anyways so :oP~~  The funniest moment in the evening, Gabby (daughter) being so scared on the Ferris Wheel, I had to cradle her the entire time (snicker, snicker).  See below some pics and videos of our adventure! 

Trump Taj Mahal at the Boardwalk

I pray you all had a great day among your family and friends.  Ruego que tuvieron un dia buenisimo con su familia y amigos.

The Beach by the Boardwalk

The Rides!  woohoo!

Fireworks right over the Sea!

Baby StingRay at Aquarium

Dorie and Nemo?  :)
Hasta La Proxima,

PrincesaGrace <3

Words of Wisdom from my Titi Diana -- QUICKNESS TO ANGER...Hmmm....

Do you get angry quickly, I sure do.  Try as I may to work at it, and sometimes I do improve, but the "old flame" in me rises again.  My Titi posted this on our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Tales-of-Two-Latinas/192462680791851) and I felt it was worth posting here too :)  The instructions of listen, be slow to speak, and slow to wrath, hit home for me; read on, it might hit the spot for you too. 

Anger and listening are like oil and water: Have you ever felt angry over bad
treatment? What truth might get rid of the anger you feel?
The book of James gave three guideline for anyone who feels the sting of anger:
      First, be willing to listen. Give the person your're angry with a chance to defend themselves and
explain their actions....
      Second, be "slow to speak", Meditate and look at the situation from all angles before you respond.
      And lastly, be "slow to wrath". Calm yourself; seek self-control with the help of the Holy Spirit.
If you follow these practical steps when you feel angry, you will become aware of the love God want you to share with others. James 1:19-20 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."
Hasta luegito!